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By ISPS, 05/25/20, 9:15AM EDT


They still want to get out there and play even though their age group is highest at risk for Coronavirus.

All data shows that senior citizens are the most vulnerable to COVID19 and most senior slow-pitch softball players want to get together and play.

Some Senior Slow-Pitch Softball Players Want to "Play-Ball" during COVID-19 Pandemic

One of the hardest-hit communities during this COVID-19 pandemic has been without a doubt the adult senior slow-pitch softball players' community.

Players, both men, and women, aged 40 and up are considered senior slow-pitch softball players.

Once you reach that age of 40 (some associations allow 39-year-olds to start playing) slow-pitch softball players feel like they have reached a milestone of some sort.

It is kind of like a right of passage. If you've managed to make it through the slow-pitch softball world and still play at 40, you feel like a rookie again.

"A lot of b*tching and complaining goes on in the lower levels of slow-pitch. With the younger guys full of testosterone always wanting to fight" says "R.C." who wanted to keep his identity undisclosed.

He says; "Once you reach senior (slow-pitch) softball it's like night and day. No fighting, no cheating, no complaining. We just go out and play and have fun."

However with the COVID-19 pandemic going on it is very hard to find a senior slow-pitch softball tournament going on anywhere in the world right now.

All experts agree that the most vulnerable community to the Coronavirus is the senior community.

And to have an event where there will be hundreds if not thousands of seniors all in one place is not a plan many cities or municipalities will sign-off on.

Still, many senior players and teams are ready to play even during the COVID-19 pandemic.

One thing maybe for sure though, once they do get back on the field, you may not hear much complaining about the new measures from senior slow-pitch softball players.

"All we want to do is play. Even if we have to go out in hazmat suits, we'll play. Just tell us the plan and how you want us to proceed, but just let us play." ended "R.C.".

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